Help us raise support by year-end!
Please partner with us as we continue to share the love of God by bringing help and hope to hurting people through practical hands-on care in 2024!
$95,658 raised
$327,500 goal
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
Would you consider giving a year-end gift to help us reach our goal? This goal reflects over 20 projects or programs we have planned for 2024, which would not be possible without Donors like you! To learn more about this year-end fundraiser, please click here. We appreciate gifts of all shapes and sizes and are grateful for you considering HHI in your year-end giving plans!
God bless,
The Team at Helping Hands International, Inc.
Please note: Donations can also be submitted via text (simply text "DONATE" to (877) 360-9066 using your mobile phone), check, or alternative avenues, such as legacy gifts (e.g. planned giving, material goods, property, stocks etc.) or Zelle. All checks should be: (1) made out to "Helping Hands International, Inc." (2) include a "2023 Year-End Fundraiser" designation in the memo and (3) sent to HHI's office: 600 Whitman Place, Medford OR 97501.