Donate to Guatemala Outreach! image

Donate to Guatemala Outreach!

$500 raised

$4,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

In 2023, we plan to go to ASELSI (Association Equipping the Saints International) in Chichicastenango, Guatemala as part of a scout trip! As many of you know, before Helping Hands International works with local ministries overseas, we vet them through a scouting process, which typically involves sending a small team overseas a year or two before we start sending Volunteer teams to complete annual service projects. This year, we plan to send a small scout team to Guatemala in September 2023 but we need help covering travel related costs! We invite you to partner with us by donating online today or calling us at (541) 414-3341 to discuss the project. Thank you for prayerfully considering financially supporting this scout trip and please pray for our team!